Final meeting

Final meeting

(from 6th to 7th June 2019, Maribor Slovenia)

EYE’s pilot phase is coming to the end and is time for conclusions.

The first edition was run successfully but there are still obstacles like language barrier and funding issues. In an upcoming edition better solutions have to be found.

The work on increasing the participation of learners in the social media channels and webpage will continue and the use of Apps like Kahoot, might be a good idea to increase the “fun factor”.

The final meeting ended with the multiplier event on the 7th of June.

The guests were welcomed by the vice-dean of the Faculty of Education UM, assoc. prof. Slavko Kovačič, followed by a dance performance from pre-school education students.

During the meeting each of the international learning modules and the Book Contemporary Themes in Early Childhood Education and International Educational Modules were presented to the audience.


Mid term meeting

Mid term meeting

(from 5th to 7th December , Traunstein Germany)

The international learning module was implemented last October and is now time to reflect and evaluate what was done and what can be improved in the future.

The partners used these two working days to check the progress of the pilot project, plan the upcoming activities and review the division of tasks.

Under the call from the University of Maribor the partners agreed to work on a book about current relevant topics in early childhood education and the international learning modules.

The consortium partners also had the privilege to get to know the German festivity St. Nikolaus Day.


Training for trainers

Training for trainers

(from 9th to 13th April, Traunstein Germany)

The training for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers and VET trainers was attended by 24 professional coming from the consortium countries.

During the training the participants exchanged deeper know-how about the different education systems to gain a complete picture of the qualifications of ECEC staff.

Subsequently the attendees got information about the concept of the Pre-Departure and Accompanying Programme (PDPAP) for the training modules. They learned about team building activities, some of them very classical and some, let’s say, demanded some more bravery like the team building activity with alpacas.

The training attendees also visited several pre-schools from traditional ones to forest kindergartens to gain an overview of the different types of settings that can be found in Bavaria.

The closing conference (13th April) of the EYE training convened teachers, trainers, representatives of local stakeholders and students to consider how cross-level European educational institutions can move closer to continuous improve the attractiveness of training in the early years area and to promote the growth of an united Europe.

Find out more about the conference by reading the speeches of some of the speakers.


Opening Event

Opening Event

(from 12 to 15 November in Seville, Spain)

In order to get to know each other personally and plan the implementation of the project, representatives of all project partners met in Seville for a few days. Even though the project was planned together and the project proposal was worked out together, the time was still important to engage more intensively with the project idea and its implementation. Above all, the integration of the training module into the curriculum of one’s own institution is not easy, especially for larger institutions.
In addition to many substantive agreements, an appointment was also found for the simultaneous implementation of the first prototype of the module: October 7 to 20, 2018!